Within the Settings of FAID, task risk ratings may be turned on and used with multiple Tolerance Levels (FTL/KTL). This feature would be used if an organisation wished to select different risk ratings for different tasks / shifts of the same individuals, or analyse multiple roles of differing risk ratings at the same time against varying Tolerance Levels together within a single company-wide Hours-of-work Work Schedule. In practice however, most organisations usually analyse single job functions as a discrete unit, or have a single FTL for the whole organisation, and thus rarely use the multiple Tolerance levels / task risk ratings.
When turned on, a fourth column of data appears in the Work Schedule for the task risk rating. There are three fixed ratings:
- Low
- Moderate
- High
These relate to the task that is being performed. For example:
- a pilot is in command of take-off or landing – High
- a pilot is in the office doing photocopying – Low