Related Peer Reviewed Papers And Books

The following list contains the peer reviewed articles in international journals and books, which have featured the research behind the FAID Standard & FAID Quantum BMMs and their validations, and articles that have utilised these BMMs in their research.

FAID Standard BMM References

  1. Caruso, C., Hitchcock, E., Dick, R., Russo, J., & Schmit, J., (2004). A report on Overtime and Extended Work Shifts: Recent Findings on Illnesses, Injuries, and Health Behaviours. Prepared for U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
  2. Dawson, D., & Reid, K. (1997). Fatigue, alcohol and performance impairment. Nature, July 1997, 388:235.
  3. Dawson, D., & Fletcher, A. (2001). A quantitative model of work-related fatigue: background and definition. Ergonomics, 44(2), 144-163.
  4. Dean, D.A., Fletcher, A., Hursh, S. R., & Klerman, E. B. (2007). Developing Mathematical Models of Neurobehavioral Performance for the “Real World”. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 22, 246-258.
  5. Dorrian, J., Hussey, F., & Dawson, D. (2007). Train driving efficiency and safety: examining the cost of fatigue. Sleep Research, 16, 1-11.
  6. Dorrian, J., Roach, G. D., Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (2007). Simulated train driving: Fatigue, self-awareness and cognitive disengagement. Applied Ergonomics, 38, 155-166.
  7. Fletcher, A. (1999). Measurement and management of work-related fatigue: Development and preliminary validations of a predictive model. Ph.D. Thesis, 1999, The University of South Australia.
  8. Fletcher, A. (2010). Staying Safe in the Jungles of Borneo: Five Studies of Fatigue and Cultural Issues in Remote Mining Projects. Industrial Health, 48, 406-415.
  9. Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (1997). A predictive model of work-related fatigue based on hours of work. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety – Australia and New Zealand, 13(5), 471-485.
  10. Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (1998). A work-related fatigue model based on hours-of-work. In L. Hartley (Ed.) Managing Fatigue in Transportation, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 189-208.
  11. Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (2001). Evaluation of a fatigue model using data from published napping studies. Journal of Human Ergology, 30, 279-285.
  12. Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (2001a). A quantitative model of work-related fatigue: empirical evaluations. Ergonomics, 44(5), 475-488.
  13. Fletcher, A. & Dawson, D. (2001b). Field-based validations of a work-related fatigue model based on hours of work. Transportation Research, Part F4, 75-88.
  14. Fletcher, A., Lamond, N., van den Heuvel, C., & Dawson, D. (2003). Prediction of performance during sleep deprivation and alcohol intoxication by a quantitative model of work-related fatigue. Sleep Research Online, 5(2), 67-75.
  15. Fletcher, A., Roach, G.D., Lamond, N. & Dawson, D. (2000). Laboratory based validations of a work-related fatigue model based on hours of work. In: S. Hornberger, P. Knauth, G. Costa, S. Folkard (Eds.) Shiftwork in the 21st Century: Challenges for Research and Practice. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  16. Lamond, N., Dorrian, J., Burgess, H. J., Holmes, A. L., Roach, G. D., McCulloch, K., & Dawson, D. (2004). Adaptation of performance during a week of simulated night work. Ergonomics, 47(2), 154-165.
  17. Lamond, N., Dorrian, J., Roach, G. D., McCulloch, K., Holmes, A. L., Burgess, H. J., & Dawson, D. (2003). The impact of a week of simulated night work on sleep, circadian phase, and performance. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 60(11): e13. doi:10.1136/oem.60.11.e13
  18. Nicholls, T. & Martin, J. (2020) Evaluating fatigue in pre-hospital registrars in Northern Australia. Anaesthesia, 75(S3), 11.
  19. Paradowskie, M., & Fletcher, A. (2004). Using task analysis to improve usability of fatigue modelling software. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 60(1), 101-115.
  20. Roach, G. D., Burgess, H. J., Lamond, N., Dorrian, J., Holmes, A. L., Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (2001). A week of simulated night work delays salivary melatonin onset. Journal of Human Human Ergology, 30 (1-2), 255-260.
  21. Roach, G. D., Dorrian, J., Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (2001). Comparing the effects of fatigue and alcohol consumption on locomotive engineers’ performance in a rail simulatorJournal of Human Human Ergology, 30 (1-2), 125-130.
  22. Roach, G. D., Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (2004). A model to predict work-related fatigue based on hours of work. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 75(3, Section II), A61- A69.
  23. Roach, G. D., Lamond, N., Dorrian, J., Burgess, H. J., Holmes, A. L., Fletcher, A., & Dawson, D. (2005). Changes in the concentration of urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin during a week of simulated night work. Industrial Health, 43, 193-196.
  24. Sagherian, K., Zhu, S., Storr, C., Hinds, P. S., Derickson, D., & Geiger-Brown, J. (2018). Bio-mathematical fatigue models predict sickness absence in hospital nurses: An 18 months retrospective cohort studyApplied ergonomics, 73, 42–47.

FAID Quantum BMM References

  1. Darwent, D., Dawson, D. & Roach, G. (2010). Prediction of probabilistic sleep distrubutions following travel across multiple time zones. Sleep, 33(2), 185-195.
  2. Darwent, D.J, Dawson, D. & Roach, G. (2012). A model of shiftworker sleep/wake behaviour. Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 45, supplement, pp. 6-10.

FAID Standard & FAID Quantum BMM References

  1. Åkerstedt T, Folkard S (1995) Validation of the S and C components of the three-process model of alertness regulation. Sleep 18: 1–625.
  2. Dawson, D., Riedy, S.M & Vila, B. (2019), US Police Rosters: Fatigue and public complaints. Sleep, 42(3), 26.
  3. Riedy, S., Dawson, D., Fekedulegn, D., Andrew, M., Vila, B., and Violanti, J.M. (2020), Fatigue and short-term unplanned absences among police officers. Policing (Bradford, England)43(3), 483–494.
  4. Riedy, S., Fekedulegn, D., Andrew, M., Vila, B., Dawson, D. & Violanti, J. (2020). Generalizability of a biomathematical model of fatigue’s sleep predictions. Chronobiology International. doi:10.1080/07420528.2020.174679828.
  5. Riedy, S., Roach, G., & Dawson, D. (2020). Sleep-wake behaviors exhibited by shift workers in normal operations and predicted by a biomathematical model of fatigue, Sleep, zsaa049. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsaa049
  6. Roche, M. (2020) Application of an industry verified biomathematical fatigue risk-assessment tool to UK anaesthetic trainee rotas, Anaesthesia, 75(S3), 12.

Time Zone Specific References

  1. Auger, R. R., & Morganthaler, T.I. (2009) Jet lag and other sleep disorders relevant to the traveler. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases, 7(2), 60-68.
  2. Battelle Memorial Institute, JIL Information Systems. (1998). An overview of the scientific literature concerning fatigue, sleep, and the circadian cycle. Prepared for the Office of the Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for Human Factors, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC.
  3. Eastman, C. I., Gazda, C. J., Burgess, H. J., Crowley, S. J., & Fogg, L. F. (2005), Advancing circadian rhythms before eastward flight: a strategy to prevent or reduce jet lag. Sleep, 28(1), 33-44.
  4. Klein, K. E., & Wegmann, H. M. (1980). The effect of transmeridian and transequatorial air travel on psychological well being and performance. In L.E. Scheving, & F. Halberg (Eds.), Chronobiology: Principles and Applications to Shifts in Schedules (pp. 339-352). Rockville, MD: Sijthoff & Noordhoff.
  5. Roach, G., Darwent, D. & Dawson, D. (2010). How well do pilots sleep during long-haul flights?. Ergonomics, 53(9), 1072-1075.
  6. Waterhouse, J.  Reilly, T., Atkinson, G., & Edwards, B. (2007). Jet lag: trends and coping strategies. The Lancet, 369, 1117-1129.
  7. Waterhouse, J., Edwards, B., Nevill, A., Atkinson, G., Reilly, T., Davies, P., & Godfrey, R. (2000). Do subjective symptoms predict our perception of jet lag?, Ergonomics, 43, 1514-1527.

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