G13 Railway Operations Model
The G13 Railway Operations Model (G13 ROM) is used to describe railway transport business scenarios. Developed over more than two decades of experience in railway operations, the G13 ROM uses arithmetic links between the market, engineering and operations to assist in the analysis of railway business operational strategies. Combined with the use of both static analysis and dynamic simulation, a user of the G13 ROM can rapidly develop a comprehensive railway business scenario. The analytical capability of the G13 ROM allows an analyst to examine the efficacy of existing business plans or investigate new options relating to the financial, engineering and operational aspects of a railway.
Containing information from publicly available sources for major Australian public and private railway networks and terminals, a database of the operational and capital costs of locomotives and wagons, and all known Australian train services, the G13 ROM allows an analyst to examine a proposed railway operational model in greater detail than available through the use of spreadsheets alone.
By postulating the proposed business plans physical restraints such as the volume of cargo, train types and routes, along with business operational behaviour (operator, track authority, integrated railway or a hybrid) the G13 ROM will compute:
- The amount of rolling stock, fuel and crew requirements;
- Track utilisation in terms of haulage and capacity used;
- Above-rail and below-rail costs; and
- Freight and track access revenues.
This information is available in both tabular and graphical formats detailing track utilisation, cost and revenue by segment. Combined with economic data on capital expenditure, earnings and cash flow the G13 ROM allows the analyst access to levels of detail previously difficult to develop.
Using the G13 ROM an analyst can rapidly examine numerous potential business plans and test conflicting scenarios to highlight the optimal position for your rail company’s needs. The information provided by the G13 ROM greatly improves your ability to:
- Negotiate and evaluate investment opportunities;
- Develop annual and medium term business plans;
- Compare railway operational rules against infrastructure capital expenditure; and
- Compare alternative transport modes.
The core of the G13 Railway Operational Model was developed by Mike Purcell over the course of a multi-decade career in railway operations. Mike has been a senior executive in transport and resources business in, both public and private sectors and at various times the COO of Hamersley Iron Railways, Westrail and National Rail Corporation; Head of the Northern Territory Departments of Transport & Works and Mines & Energy; and Financial Controller for Mount Isa Mines. Through the course of his career in the railway sector, Mike has had direct executive responsibility for major national railway infrastructure construction, locomotive fleet acquisition, and overall railway operations and has promoted and participated in privatization of government railways.
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Contact InterDynamics to speak to one of our Decision Support Specialists to discuss the G13 Rail Operations Model or our other offerings.