Our Executive Team
InterDynamics is an Australian company made up of a professional team with many years of experience in simulation modelling, software development and fatigue risk management. It is led by:
PETER PAGE (B.App.Sc (Civ Eng), Grad Dip Computing, Grad Dip Man (Technology Management))
Peter is the Managing Director of InterDynamics. He brings 40 years of professional and technical expertise which includes:
- Engineering research into rail vehicle/track interaction (nationally funded multiyear project)
- Project cost and schedule control of major rail construction projects (two > $250M)
- Resource and service planning for national railway
- Development of software and selection of hardware for high speed A to D conversion and power spectral analysis of results
- Development (either coding or as co-designer) of simulation based planning tools for rail service planning, loco deployment, crew rostering, rail maintenance, whole of multi-modal supply chains, maintenance and production workshops, ore and metallurgical process plants, cashflow projections and more
- Programming skills in FORTRAN, Pascal, BASIC & Planimate
- Developing functional specifications for simulation model based decision support tools
- Development of algorithms and solution methodologies for simulating complex dynamics systems
- Implementation of academic IP to support practical operations decision making (particularly sleep and fatigue research)
- Development and delivery of fatigue risk management software and support services
RICCARDO MACRI (B.App.Sc. Computer Studies)
Riccardo Macri is the author and principal software architect of Planimate – our Simulation Platform. He brings over 30 years of expertise which includes:
- Development of various commercial graphical applications that themselves are development environments for simulation and real time monitoring and control.
- Graphics programming for visualisation of data.
- Development of embedded software and real-time control systems (PID).
- Extensive experience developing for Windows, Linux and Azure Cloud.
- Computer communications, from electronics, microcontroller GPIO, low level serial, TCP/IP to implementing secured internet facing APIs.
- Data processing and storage skills from DSP and SQL to bespoke high performance solutions.
- Interfacing of disparate software systems, dotNET Interop/Reflection.
- Algorithm and Protocol development ranging from client/server knowledge management systems, control of communications equipment, cross platform plug-in architectures to complex train movement control logic and spatial routing algorithms.
- Computer security, encryption, public/private crypto and derivatives such as blockchain.