Focus on Fatigue

Focus on Fatigue, Issue 22

Issue #22 – May 2013

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the new year and a new look for InterDynamics and the Focus on Fatigue newsletter.

As it’s been a while since our last issue, we have lots to share, and hope that there is something for everyone in this bumper issue of Focus on Fatigue.

On top of helping organisations make informed, risk-based decisions to manage the risks of and to fatigued workers, we’ve also been working hard on an updated look and improved experience for visitors to our website, in line with our 20th Anniversary. See the Feature Article below for a special message from InterDynamics’ Managing Director Peter Page.

One of the things you will notice with our re-branding is a combining of our previously disparate websites (, and to showcase both our Fatigue Risk Management and Decision Support solutions on the one site:

In recognition of the publicly funded university research (at the Centre for Sleep Research, University of South Australia) that resulted in the formula and factors commercialised within the FAID software, we are proud to continue providing a complimentary evaluation version of FAID on our new site. You’ll also find information on new FRMS Services and Products, FAQs and a new Resources and Media section. We also have plans for exciting new features to come on the site over the course of 2013, so watch this space.

Some things you won’t find anymore however, are references to ‘FaidSafe’, or ‘InterDyne’. In the past InterDynamics utilised the brand ‘FaidSafe’ to refer to its Fatigue Risk Management services and methodology. Nowadays we refer to this offering as Our Risk-Based Approach to managing fatigue.

The company is the same; we’re just simplifying our branding and proudly focusing more on who we are – InterDynamics.

We hope you like the new site and find all the information you need to assist you in managing fatigue and making good risk-based decisions.

Let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your feedback on our new look and site, and how we can serve you better.

Thanks again for partnering with us to make workplaces safer around the world.

Work Safely.

Peter Mushenko
Senior Fatigue Risk Consultant


InterDynamics Pty Ltd
320 Adelaide Street Brisbane Qld 4000
Tel +61 2 8404 0400 Ext 23

Views expressed in articles and links provided are those of the individual authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of InterDynamics (except where directly attributed)

Feature Articles

Celebrating 20 years of navigating complexity and delivering clarity

In August 1992 InterDynamics began with a nascent simulation language, SimView (now called Planimate), and a vision to show the world how whole systems worked and interacted. Over the last twenty years Planimate has matured to an extremely powerful tool for modelling systems.

Our experiences have taught us how to create decision support solutions utilising simulation as a core feature. Our capability has extended to include human interaction in systems through the acquisition of fatigue assessment technology from the University of South Australia. This technology was implemented as our flagship Fatigue Assessment Tool, FAID.

Anniversary Message
Anniversary Message
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InterDynamics News

FAID® – What you need to know

With 20 years experience providing modelling solutions for large multinationals, InterDynamics understands the importance of end-user decision makers recognising what a model is doing, and what it is and isn’t telling you. The same principle applies when using bio mathematical models such as FAID.

FAID is a powerful decision support tool in the analysis of, and mitigation against Hours of Work related fatigue risks. Like any bio mathematical model however, which (by definition) use general population level data to provide a view of relative fatigue exposures, neither FAID nor any other model in the market can provide meaningful individual level fatigue predictions. Fatigue Risk Management is obviously more than plugging data into a model and looking for a certain number, colour or other metric to provide safe/unsafe (go/no-go) approval.

One of the worst things an organisation can do when managing the risks presented by fatigue, is to over-rely on a model by thinking that it can tell them whether their operations are safe or not with relation to fatigue. To be fair, models don’t (or at least shouldn’t) claim to do anything of the sort.

As Albert Einstein said: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” In order to protect against this, and provide what we feel is an appropriate level of minimum understanding about FAID, we invite you to take a few moments and ‘look under the bonnet’ with us and review your understanding of how FAID works and how to appropriately use the results it provides.

What You Need To Know About FAID 2013 05 09
What You Need To Know About FAID 2013 05 09
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Apart from the document linked above which forms the introduction to the latest FAID v2.1 User Guide, we also offer personalised FAID Training workshops to guide your team of users and decision makers through the functionality and correct context of use.

One last thing to note: The outputs FAID produces have been labled  as “FAID Scores” since version 2.0 (Oct 2007) in a purposeful attempt to reduce the likelihood of organisations mistakenly thinking that the scores FAID produces are representing an individual’s level of fatigue, which on any specific occasion is mediated by other factors including their behaviour outside of work. In later versions of FAID we have refined our expression of what FAID is measuring, and aligned it more closely with the statutory requirements under most OH&S jurisdictions. FAID Scores may be denoted as a measure of the ‘sleep opportunity’ associated with, or afforded by a schedule or roster and is a proxy for fatigue due to Hours of Work-related causes.

If your organisation is still using a version prior to version 2.0 we strongly recommend upgrading to the latest version. Not only will you get access to the great new reports and useability features, but you can rest assured that the outputs and wording will assist in ensuring your team’s correct understandings of what the model is telling them.

Managing Fatigue Training – the first step in cultural change pertaining to fatigue

Targeted communication and education on fatigue is the key to stimulating positive culture, and effective change management on the issue of fatigue. InterDynamics’ Managing Fatigue Training Workshops are the perfect starting point for practical staff engagement and positive behavioural change, leading to increased safety and a better experience of both work and home life.

This two and a half hour workshop is fun, down to earth, practical, and focused on helping workers at all levels recognise the importance, and benefits of taking fatigue management seriously. Valuable insight are provided into the short and long-term issues associated with personal fatigue, strategies for managing fatigue both at work and at home, and getting the most out of a healthy work-life balance.

Feedback on this workshop has been overwhelmingly positive. See what participants are saying from this selection of responses to our participant’s feedback survey.

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If your people haven’t all been recently trained on the effective management of their fatigue, we can certainly help.

Conferences and presentations

This section outlines recent and upcoming InterDynamics speaking engagements

InterDynamics opens USA Rail Crew Management Systems conference, Missouri, April 15-17

Each year the Crew Management teams from the major USA railroads host a conference to review issues that are current to the industry and impact their daily operations.

InterDynamics was invited to facilitate a FAID & FRMS related workshop which was conducted on the first day of the conference and served as an introduction to the three day event.

FAID FRMS User Group Meeting
FAID FRMS User Group Meeting
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FAID Webinar, the worldwide web, May 2

On the 2nd of May, 2013 Tu Mushenko and Robert Farrell hosted a free webinar joined by many of you, which covered:

  1. Practical and contextual use of bio-mathematical models – where FAID fits within an FRMS
  2. Tips and Tricks – explaining latest features, and what the various reports can tell you in terms of your risk profile
  3. Q&A – answering questions about functionality and how to get the most out of FAID

Demonstrations were also given of two of our popular FAID variants, the FAID Roster Tool and FAID BW (Business Wide).

About FAID Roster Tool
About FAID Roster Tool
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Thanks to all that participated, and we look forward to having more of you join us next time around!

Air Maestro User Conference, Adelaide, May 8-10

Tu Mushenko presented on “Project Planning FRMS, and the contextual use of FAID”

Further details can be found here.

InterDynamics will be presenting at the following upcoming conference. Come along and say hello!

Modern Railways 2013 Conference, Singapore, May 29-31

Len Pearson presenting on “Empowering Successful Bids for PPP Provision and Maintenance of Rolling Stock Through the Use of Simulation Software”

  • Utilising simulation to model system performance, maintenance requirements, operational demands and, likely failure points
  • Enabling an understanding of how a complex system behaves dynamically in a way that simple extrapolation of deterministic outcomes cannot
  • Assisting a better evaluation of the alternative capital and operating costs and associated risks

Further details can be found here.

In the News

With a slightly longer period in between editions due to our corporate re-branding, we’ve sourced a bumper collection of interesting articles from around the web for you. We hope you find them useful and interesting.

The importance of sleep

Tired Australians risk accidents, mood disorders, December 2012

A national survey has found about 20 per cent of Australians have fatigue and exhaustion due to lack of sleep.


One extra hour of sleep may help cut diabetes risk, December 2012

Increasing the amount of sleep that teenagers get could improve their insulin resistance and prevent the future onset of diabetes, a new study has suggested.


Tired new dads a safety risk: study

Brigid Anderson – ‘Tired new dads a safety risk: study’,, January 2012

Fathers of new babies are often so tired they pose a safety risk at work and on the road, a new study has found.


The trap of too little sleep: What happens to our brains if we don’t have enough sleep?

Leo Widrich – ‘How Much Sleep Do You Really Need to Work Productively?’,, October 2012

Every one of us, on average, will be sleeping for 24 years in our lifetime. Still, there are many unanswered questions about sleep and how much we need of it. With this post, Leo Widrich sets out to uncover what the most important research has taught us about sleep. And of course, how you can use this knowledge to create an unbeatable daily routine.


Shiftwork and fatigue

Despite wealth for toil, FIFO workers find themselves sick and tired

Olav Muurlink – ‘Despite wealth for toil, FIFO workers find themselves sick and tired’,, August 2012


Work and hours amongst mining and energy workers

Executive Summary of First Phase Report : Griffith University – ‘Work and hours amongst mining and energy workers – Australian Coal and Energy Survey, First Phase Report’, November 2012


Shift-related sleep problems vary according to work schedule

Occup Environ Med doi:10.1136/oemed-2012-101091


Case studies

The below case studies show examples of positive approaches, and innovative solutions to the issues presented by fatigue in the workplace.

DC Transit System Using Broad Approach to Manage Fatigue, December 2012

“While we need to avoid schedules that call for excessive hours, it’s equally important to modify work patterns through a combination of education, training, and lifestyle choices to ensure employees can avoid fatigue,” said Metro Board Safety Committee Chair Mort Downey.”


Wrexham call centre staff fly to New Zealand to cover night shifts

Nick Bourne – ‘Wrexham call centre staff fly to New Zealand to cover night shifts’,, May 2013
Call centre staff from Wrexham are taking turns to live in New Zealand to cover night shifts back home in the UK.


Tips and suggestions for getting better sleep

How to Need Less Sleep by Getting Better Sleep Every Night

Alan Henry – ‘How to Need Less Sleep by Getting Better Sleep Every Night’,, February 2013

Many of us struggle to get enough sleep every night, but is the sleep we get any good? While it’s important to get enough sleep, better sleep is a greater ally than more hours of sleep.


Creating a sleep ritual

Joel Gascoigne – ‘Creating a sleep ritual’,, May 2011

Tips on how to create a sleep ritual to combat insomnia – a personal account.


Sleeping It Off: How Alcohol Affects Sleep Quality

Maia Szalavitz – ‘Sleeping it Off: How Alcohol Affects Sleep Quality’,, February 2013

Having a drink (or two) is one way to nod off more quickly, but how restful is an alcohol-induced slumber?


Link to Research Paper

General interest

Where do pilots sleep on the plane?

Alison Godfrey – ‘Where do pilots sleep on the plane?’,, April 2013

Pilots need to sleep too. But where do they do it? And are the beds better than first class?


Eat to Dream: Penn Study Shows Dietary Nutrients Associated with Certain Sleep Patterns

Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, February 2013

First nationally-representative analysis (USA) reveals people who eat a varied diet have healthier sleep duration. “You are what you eat,” the saying goes, but is what you eat playing a role in how much you sleep?


Designing the next generation of sleep devices

Lia Steakley – ‘Designing the next generation of sleep devices’,, February 2013

Discussion of research into devices that could aid the sleep deprived, help in treating mental-health conditions and even potenially extend our lifespan (with interesting and useful applications for napping maximisation).


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