With an increasing corporate recognition of the risks involved with roster related fatigue and the public awareness of the impact of these risks, there is a need to proactively address the problem of fatigue inducing work practices.
Fatigue and its impact on decision making is a global issue that has emerged with the extended hours of work required to service 24/7 operations. Work-related fatigue and consequent changes in alertness, reaction time, decision making and communication are all major risks for shift workers.
Fatigue risk management is a shared responsibility. Employers have a duty-of-care to provide safe work schedules that permit an adequate amount of time for an employee to sleep, rest and recover from a shift.
Just as importantly, workers have a duty-of-care to their employers and fellow workers to ensure that they obtain sufficient sleep and rest in order to complete their work duties in a safe and responsible manner.
Work-related fatigue and consequent changes in alertness, reaction time, decision making and communication have all been identified as major risks for shift workers. Our Risk-Based Approach is designed to help manage these risks and contribute to a safer work place.