FAID Quantum desktop retains only app settings and preferences between usage sessions. All other data entered during a session is not retained by the app itself. Upon closing, users have…
FAID Quantum is a quantum leap forward in biomathematical modelling for fatigue risk management. FAID Quantum offers the ultimate accuracy in sleep-wake prediction with outputs in two scales, Karolinska Sleepiness…
The Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) is a 9-point Likert scale often used when conducting studies involving self-reported, subjective assessment of an individual’s level of drowsiness at the time. The Karolinska…
FAID contains only one bio-mathematical model (BMM), whereas FAID Quantum contains two. FAID contains only the FAID Standard BMM producing FAID Score results. FAID Quantum contains two BMMS (1) the…
Risk management is recognised as an integral part of good management practice. To be most effective, risk management should become part of an organisation’s culture. It should be integrated into…
With an increasing corporate recognition of the risks involved with roster related fatigue and the public awareness of the impact of these risks, there is a need to proactively address…
Within the Settings of FAID, task risk ratings may be turned on and used with multiple Tolerance Levels (FTL/KTL). This feature would be used if an organisation wished to select…
The magnitude of consequences of an event, should it occur, and the likelihood of the event and its associated consequences, are assessed in the context of the existing controls. Consequences…
FAID provides a representative score (FAID Score) of the fatigue exposure of a worker based on the following biological determinants of fatigue: The time of day of work and breaks…
For assessing the risks in your operations there is an Australian/New Zealand Risk Management Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 that provides a comprehensive guide to risk management. It includes a qualitative…